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A Journey of Joyful Parenting

On an autumn morning, I was on a roller-coaster of emotions; overjoyed with tears after a test at home; never knew that two pink lines on the pregnancy kit would change my life in a U-turn!

Initially, I was clueless about fetus growth and pregnancy care. Soon we as parents realised that it's our responsibility to gain knowledge about pre and post-pregnancy care, and newborn care! We started our research on Google as usual and found there were professionals who felt that it was the right path to move on; classes and the diet they taught us were enlightening and we religiously followed them. Also, I was referred to a book on pregnancy TALKING TO THE BABY IN THE WOMB by DR.S.ANDAL BHASKAR,available on Amazon,not a book-person, but I loved every page of the book,informative and after that my perspective on bonding with baby totally changed!

During my third trimester,i started learning about new-born care from various resources; Colic issues,how to massage a baby to relieve their discomforts , cloth diapering,why talcum powder should not be used and so many other things; among all these a term which was new to us and totally no idea about them was Cloth Diapering ; our family used clothes for newborns but what is cloth diapering, we went through many websites but still there was something which kept us back from buying those diapers; soon we reached our due and i delivered my Baby Boy through C-Section; Joy of holding the little one is infinity ; inbetween the latching issue,sleepless nights and change in hormones as a new mom made me forgot all the research we did before delivery; My son was crying a lot everyday the typically indian setup made us believe it is due to evil eye and milk is not enough for the baby and forced me to start formula,my intuition knew its not the exact issue for the frequent cries; one fine day when i noticed his skin was reddish while changing disposable diapers i was broken , mind was blank on how to treat them,we rushed to the doctor and ointments was given as it was almost severe, few days later again rashes started but this time with some blood stain,no mother should face this i prayed on that day; medicines were not effective for him; 

So what’s next?How to cure this? Are disposable diapers causing rashes? When will we get some sleep? So many questions are nightmares! 

During those sleepless nights,scrolling through Instagram, fortunately I saw the post of a happy baby wearing a cloth diaper. I saved the post and slept. The next morning, I approached Priya from TwoPlusOne diapers. My confidence in using cloth diapers was zero before talking with her. After I I 1-1 assistance I no other brand before i decided to go with Cloth diapering ;

To my surprise, within a few uses, I witnessed a huge transformation. He slept well at both noon and night ; our bonding as a family improved drastically. Feeding was comfortable and, most importantly, he didn't cry, as there were no rashes harming my little one’s tender skin! Parenthood is often termed as a headache and a roller-coaster ride; in my perspective, it needs several situations once we understand our child’s needs and provide them with the required support, half of the things are sorted

Be the change. Give clothes a chance. A happy child makes a joyous family.

Tags: parenting